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Every Child Deserves Nutrition and Good Health

In December 2017, a team of Singaporean doctors visited the kids at the Hagar Community Learning Centre (CLC) in Cambodia. Through the health screening conducted by the medical team, 40% of the children are found to have medical conditions. A number require treatment urgently and we hope you can help.
The students in Hagar CLC come from backgrounds of poverty and abuse. Some are survivors of trafficking who have missed out on their schooling years as a result of being taken captive by the traffickers. There are others who have suffered extreme exploitation and abuse by their relatives or people they know. Their families are poor and can hardly provide 3 meals for the children.
In this new year, we hope you can start them well on a healthy path. There are 2 immediate urgent needs:
1. Medical treatment for the 76 children awaiting help or;
2. Nutritious soy milk to 120 children to treat malnutrition and improve their developmental growth
Your contribution of $50, $100 or $200 will ensure the children will receive the much needed medical assistance to get well and stay healthy in the long run.
Please consider making an urgent gift today. Thank you for caring, and being a blessing to these who have little.
Every Child Deserves Nutrition and Good Health
+ 14 givers have donated to this campaign

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This campaign has ended.

S$3,870 Raised

from 14 Givers

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About Hagar Singapore Ltd

Hagar works to restore vulnerable communities and migrant workers who have suffered impacts from human trafficking, slavery and abuse. In Singapore, we uplift migrant workers with ... LEARN MORE hagarsingapore 69093351


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